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DNA Protected is accredited by UKAS

DNA Protected Dog

Cellmark is delighted to announce that its dog DNA profiling service is accredited to ISO17025 by the UK Accreditation Service (UKAS).  Cellmark is also accredited by UKAS to the UK Government’s Forensic Science Regulator’s Code of Practice and Conduct for forensic science providers and practitioners in the Criminal Justice System.  Together with our Police Preferred Specification status through Secured by Design, you can be sure of the highest quality service when it comes to protecting your four-legged friend from dog thieves.

UkAS Logo

Reassuringly for all DNA Protected database users, all analysis and interpretations are carried out in our own state of the art laboratories here in the UK.  And, because of our established forensic work with the police, government and military, all data security systems are of the highest standard, certified to ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus and the Forensic Dog DNA Database is compliant with Forensic Science Regulator’s guidance.

Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

But that’s not all, our extensive forensic background and unrivalled DNA reporting experience enables us to support the police in criminal proceedings with a complete and reliable database match to court room service.

Your dog’s DNA is safe in our hands – join the Forensic Dog DNA Database today!